Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Argentina Day 2

Feb 12,2011

After eating breakfast, we went on a 45 minute train ride to view some of the areas that Weston served in. (Weston served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints back in 1998-2000)

The boys had been excited to ride a train from the very beginning of the trip. They are so into Thomas the Train. Hunter sat by the window on the same seat as Weston and I and Walter sat by the window with Mac and Sharman. The first little town that we stopped in was Malaver. Weston wanted to show us one of the house/apartments that he had lived in. He wasn't sure if he showed us the right place, but he was pretty sure. Though we weren't able to go in, it was still nice to walk on the streets that at one point Weston walked on as a young missionary.

We hopped back on the train and then went to Villa Ballester to see one of the church/wards that Weston attended.

We were able to go inside and look around.

I know that Sharman and Mac were super excited to see some of the areas that Weston served in. We went to a small market to buy some snacks and then back on the train to Buenos Aires.

Weston had planned for us to take a tour of the Palacio Barolo, which turned out to be a really cool office building. It was 20 or so floors. We took the elevator up to the 14th floor and then walked up the stairs to the top. On the top was a glass room with a signal light.

After the tour we took a taxi to Recoleta because they were having a handi-craft fair. I was able to buy a small nativity

For dinner we went out to a BBQ/Grill place. There was so much meat, there was just no way we could eat it all.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm Back

I know that it has been a long time-but I'm back. Hopefully I will be better at this whole blog thing this year, but I guess only time will tell. Since it has been several months since the last post the next couple of posts will be about everything and anything.

Back in Feburary we took a trip to Argentina and Peru. It was awesome! So I thought we would start with our week long adventure in Argentina.

We left the US on February 9th and landed in Peru at 8:05 am on Feb 10th. Upon arriving in Lima we found out that our flight to Buenos Aires had been dealyed by 3 hours. So a five hour lay-over turned into a 8 hour lay-over. Hunter did wonderful. he said a couple of times that he wanted to get on our next plane but he was able to just play with his cars and color and just entertain himself. Walter on the other hand just wanted to run and play. One of us was usually running around after him. He kept us on our toes. But both the boys fell right asleep the minute we took off on the plane to Buenos Aires. When we finally arrived in Argentina it was 10 o'clock and we were all a bit tired. We went though customs without any major problems. After getting our luggage we went to the hotel. I don't think we fell asleep until about 1 a.m.

I told Weston not to set an alarm and that we would just sleep. Well we slept in until 10 am. We then got up and ready and waited for Mac and Sharman (Weston's parents) to come.

The boys were so excited to see their grandparents. The first thing that we went to see was the Obelisco and the Ave 9 de Julio which at one point was the largest street in South America. Just in one direction there were 9 lanes of traffic.

Then we went to buy tickets for the Tango show. Weston and I went one night and then Mac and Sharman the other.

Afterwards we took a tour of the Opera house, which was beautiful. The boys did o.k, but there were times that Hunter was crawling on the floor.

After that it was lunchtime and we wanted to find a place that the boys could run. So we went for a walk to the Pink House. We were able to eat our lunch and let the boys run and chase the birds. It was probabaly the highlight of the day for them.